Weekly Update (3/25 – 4/3)


I have finally adjusted to my new medication! Holy shit, y’all. What a ride this has been. It feels like so many of my waking hours have gone into just dealing with SSRI withdrawals and new med side effects, but it’s nice to find myself on the other side.

I can tell the meds are working. Everything is brighter. I no longer dread the thought of getting out of bed. Even my boyfriend says I’m smiling more often. I am enjoying things again! It’s been far too long since I really enjoyed anything. The more I think about how much I’ve missed out on, the more I want to cry. I’m choosing not to dwell on that and focusing on the future.

Here’s some stuff you need to know:

  • I’ve updated the look, feel, and offerings on my services website! It’s been rebranded as Briana Morgan Edits, and now includes editing AND publishing consultation services. Feel free to spread the word about it!
  • I’ve officially hit 5k in #secretqueryproject, AND have chosen an editor for it. I know it’s unusual to book an editor for a project I’m querying but I want it to be as polished and nearly perfect as it can be before I share it with agents.
  • I was nominated for something I can’t talk about BUT!!! I am very excited about it and will share it with you all as soon as I have permission to.

Thanks so much for your support, especially these past couple months. I don’t have to tell you what a weird time we’re living in. Tell me something cool you accomplished this past week!

Weekly Update (3/25 – 4/3) Read More »

Writing Tools I Couldn’t Live Without (April 2020)

Recently on Instagram, I’ve gotten a lot of questions about my favorite writing tools. They’re not necessarily anything new to my process, but I’m not sure I’ve ever really shared them all before. With each book, I refine my writing process further. I cast aside habits and programs that no longer serve me and bring in others that do.

Since this is such a highly requested topic, I wanted to give it to my patrons. This is the type of content you signed up for, and I’m happy to provide. The programs listed in this blog post all have free versions (which I personally use) as well as paid, but I am not an affiliate of anything listed. Anything I endorse here, I do so from my own experience and enjoyment.

So, without further ado, here are several writing tools I couldn’t live without:

  • Google Drive and Docs. It may surprise some of you to hear this, but I don’t use Scrivener. I have a Mac and a PC, and Scrivener on those devices doesn’t play well together. It’s almost impossible for me to sync projects from my Mac to my PC, so I stopped trying altogether. Also, I have an Android phone, and there’s still no Scrivener app for Android. I prefer Google Docs because it’s easily accessible across all my devices, syncs to the cloud (so no forgetting to save), and can be shared with beta readers and editors for collaboration. Best of all, it’s free. My life runs on Google Drive.

  • Write or Die. At the time of writing this blog post, Write or Die is the only free product to kick my ass into finishing a novel. I would not have been able to finish a single first draft without it. My monkey brain refuses to focus when I’m working on a first draft, so I get it to play nice with the help of Write or Die. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, you access the site here, put in a time limit and a word count goal, and start writing. I like to set mine to 500 words and 30 minutes most of the time, with a consequence involving noise, because it’s so jarring. If you prefer positive reinforcement, you can also set the program to reward you when you hit so many words. The beauty of this program is that it keeps you moving, makes you put the words down as productively as possible without looking back. If you stop writing for too long, you’ll get the angry noise. You don’t want the angry noise.

  • Pacemaker.press. Any time I share a word count/deadline goal on Instagram, I’m using pacemaker.press, and I get so many questions about it! Like the other programs on this list, Pacemaker is free. When I stopped using Scrivener, one of the things I missed most was the deadline/daily word count goal calculator. Pacemaker provides that for me. All you have to do is set your word count or page goal, your chosen (or assigned) deadline, and the pace at which you’d like to work. The program calculates everything for you from there. As you write and update your word count each day, the program adjusts your progress and targeted speed, which helps me stay on track more than you’d believe.

  • For blocking websites, since I use Google Chrome, I recommend the StayFocusd extension. It’s free and I’ve been using it to get things done since college. Simply put in the websites that most often distract you, set your time limit, and bang! You’re in business. I LOVE StayFocusd. You can even tweak the settings so the app is harder to disable/uninstall, but for me, just the accountability of the timer keeps me honest, so I’ve never needed to trick myself.

When it comes to choosing writing software, you should choose what works for you. If your process differs from mine, that doesn’t mean you’re in the wrong. As long as you’re getting work done, don’t worry about it. And, if you’re feeling stuck or looking for tools to help you become more productive, I hope that this post has given you some ideas.

As always, thanks so much for your support and generosity. What kind of blog post would you like to see at the end of this month? Let me know in the comments!

Writing Tools I Couldn’t Live Without (April 2020) Read More »

Weekly Update (4/18 – 4/24)

Another weird week! I’m still adjusting to my new meds. So far, I think they’re working, and I’m having fewer withdrawal symptoms, so that’s neat. I start off the day feeling happy and bouncy, but then my mood plummets around 4:00 p.m. It would be neat if that last part didn’t happen. I’m hoping it will even out in time. We will see.

Monday was the cover reveal for UNBOXED! If you missed it, make sure to check it out. J. M.  Steger did this one too (he’s done all my other books besides TOUCH), and it is PHENOMENAL. Spooky, stan-worthy, etc. Also, if you’re not following me on Instagram, you should do that too!

As far as the UNBOXED Kickstarter goes… we are fully funded! I am so delighted, surprised, and grateful. Now, I’m working on putting together some stretch goals. There isn’t much time left, but I at least want to stretch the funds a little further. Here’s the first one: once we reach $600 in funding, I’ll share a book trailer for UNBOXED! If you’re interested in making that happen, please give to the project. Thank you so much!

What else? Let me think…

I’ve been working on #secretquerybook but haven’t made as much progress as I’d like. That’s isolation for you.

Nothing else happening over here, really. Staying safe and healthy! I hope you are too.

What did you accomplish last week?

Weekly Update (4/18 – 4/24) Read More »

Weekly Update (4/11-4/19)

Hey, folks! Thank you for your patience. Hope you’re all hanging in there. Worst-case scenario, you’re suffering from cabin fever. I can definitely relate! Beyond that, I wish you all happiness and health—as much as can be found in these bizarre times.

I thought this isolation would do wonders for my creativity, but that’s (mostly) not the case. I’m plowing through the administrative and publishing-related tasks for UNBOXED, but my new project has hit a snag. I’m struggling to actually sit down and do the work.

This week was weird for me, mentally speaking. I’m still adjusting to my new meds and had to deal with some weird withdrawal issues (they have since been resolved). It’s… expensive, getting what I need right now, and that’s incredibly frustrating.

So yeah, this week was strange. Still, here’s what all I accomplished:

  • Set up the UNBOXED cover reveal
  • Set up UNBOXED in Ingram Spark (preorders coming soon!)
  • Ordered a physical proof of UNBOXED
  • Wrote half a chapter of #secretquerybook

What did you accomplish this week?

Weekly Update (4/11-4/19) Read More »

UNBOXED Act I, Scene 1



(Open on a basement set. There is a large computer desk with several monitors, a tower, and various technological equipment. An office chair sits in front of the desk, with a lamp, a television, and a couch off to one side. A washer and dryer can be seen, along with a staircase and a basement window in the background. The only wall art should be an award for GREG hitting 100K subscribers, along with a painting by ALICE. Any other furniture or decor can be left to the director’s choice. GREG sits at the computer, firing up his platform and getting everything set up. He puts on a headset. There should be some way for the audience to see everything he is recording and broadcasting to the Internet.)

GREG: Okay, so… let me know if you guys can hear me okay. I’m turning off the chat because a few people got out of hand with it last time, but you can always hit me up on Twitter or whatever and let me know if this whole thing sucks. Wow, 700K. I can’t believe we made it here. (He pauses. Offstage, the sound of a door opening and the jingling of keys. GREG glances up toward the stairs, but doesn’t seem too bothered by the noise.) I was just going through comments from the Pinehurst Asylum video, and guys… holy shit, you picked up on things I didn’t even notice. The shadow figure in the hallway–kudos to JasonX2002. I didn’t even– (Muffled talking noises from upstairs, and a dog barks several times. GREG winces, but the noise stops. His cell phone pings, he pulls it out of his pocket and checks it.) Viper1910 wants to know if Alice and Rocco respect my filming schedule. Usually, the answer is yes, but this livestream was kind of spur of the moment, so… it’s tricky, you know?

ALICE: (Offstage.) Greg, Rocco took a shit in the living room again! Can you come help me? I’m trying to put groceries away! (GREG is visibly agitated, but he doesn’t move. His phone pings a few times. ALICE tries again.) Greg? I need you up here, please!

GREG: Not now, babe, I’m–I’m working on something! (He checks his phone. Alice says something in response, but it is too muffled to hear. The audience is forced to ignore it, along with Greg. He reads from his phone notifications.) NHD420 asks, “I’ve been a subscriber since the beginning. What’s the coolest thing you’ve done thanks to Zipper Paranormal?” Yeeterman365, pretty much the same question. Um, that’s a toughie! I’ve gotten to do so many cool things, but collaborating with the Doppler Twins and Leonardo Da Kitschy was beyond wicked. Those guys really know how to party. Who would’ve thought doing shots in a cemetery would draw out so many orbs? (His phone pings again several times, in rapid succession. The dog starts barking again. ALICE yells, “Rocco!” The dog does not stop barking. We hear several things fall upstairs, the sound of breaking glass. GREG sets his phone down and drags his hand down his face.) Alice, shut the damn dog up, please! (His phone keeps pinging. ROCCO continues to bark. He tries to read from his phone instead, though the volume of the barking increases as he does so.) TrentReznorsBiggestFan wants to know if I’m planning to check out the Queen Mary any time in the near– (More glass breaks. ROCCO’s barking hits a frenzied pitch.) Alice!

ALICE: He’s your damn dog too, Greg! Rocco, shut up! No, stay out of the living room, you’ve done enough–

GREG: Alice!

ALICE: For Christ’s sake. (She opens the door at the top of the stairs and yells down at GREG.) You’re the one who said you’d help me unload when I got back. That’s what you agreed to. I can’t do everything by myself.

GREG: (Trying to keep his voice level.) All I said was that I didn’t want to go to the store with you. I never agreed to… anyway, I’m in the middle of streaming. (He gestures toward his equipment.)

ALICE: (Coming down the stairs.) You’re streaming? Right now? Are you serious, Greg?

GREG: (He gets up from the chair.) Yeah, I’m streaming. You know, the thing I do that pays the bills? The thing that makes it possible for you to get your hair and nails done and pays for all your other bullshit? (ROCCO starts barking again.) And can you please, shut that goddamn dog up!

ALICE: All right, that’s enough. Shut down the streaming. (ROCCO keeps barking. ALICE goes to the computer and tries to turn it off. GREG intervenes.) What are you doing?

GREG: What am I doing? What are you doing?

ALICE: I’m trying to turn this damn thing off.

GREG: Stop it. You’re making it worse.

ALICE: How am I making it worse?

GREG: Rocco, Jesus, please, stop barking! (To ALICE.) You’re ruining this livestream.

ALICE: You’re ruining it yourself, asshole.

GREG: Listen, don’t be a bitch just because–

ALICE: What did you call me?

GREG: Okay, well, I didn’t mean–

ALICE: Did you call me a bitch?

GREG: Alice, come on. We don’t need to–

ALICE: Shut your mouth, Greg. I think we do. Rocco! (He stops barking, abruptly. GREG’s phone pings a few times and keeps pinging steadily throughout.) Who the fuck is texting you?

GREG: Fan accounts! They’re tuning in and probably wondering what the fuck is happening.

ALICE: Tell them to mind their own business.

GREG: It’s my livestream. I think–

ALICE: You called me a bitch. Shut it down.

GREG: I don’t want to.

ALICE: I don’t care what you want. You can record something later. Right now, I need you to help with the dog.

GREG: I thought you wanted me to help with the groceries.

ALICE: Why does it have to be one or the other? Why can’t it be both?

GREG: I can’t fucking do everything!

ALICE: You don’t do everything. You don’t do much of anything, Greg. Not for the people who matter. (She reaches past him and shuts off the screen.)

GREG: My subscribers don’t matter? They’re the ones who make all this possible, Alice. They bought us this house, your new car, the–

ALICE: I’d rather just have you than any of that shit. But they’ve taken you away from me, and you don’t want to come back. (Beat. GREG and ALICE stare pointedly at the red light blinking on the webcam.)

GREG: Shit, it’s still recording.

ALICE: I thought I turned it off.

GREG: You turned the screen off, not the webcam.

ALICE: (Softly.) You called me a bitch.

GREG: (Working to shut off the webcam.) I didn’t mean it.

ALICE: Felt like you did.

GREG: I swear I didn’t. I just got caught up in the moment is all.

ALICE: You’ve been living in that same moment for almost a year now.

GREG: I just hit 700,000 subscribers, Alice. That’s not nothing. Can you blame me for being excited?

ALICE: I’m excited for you, okay? I helped you start the channel, for God’s sake. I filmed for you, set up locations for you–

GREG: But you don’t anymore.

ALICE: You encouraged me to work on my art. You said it was good for me.

GREG: You were burning out, Alice.

ALICE: But I got to be with you. I got to spend more time with you, just the two of us. Behind the scenes.

GREG: (Ignoring her.)I wanted one livestream. One break from all the mundane shit. I didn’t think that was too much to ask. (He successfully shuts off the webcam and shuts down the computer. His phone pings again. GREG and ALICE both stare at it.) I need to get that. It’s the least I can do.

ALICE: Always going above and beyond for your fans. I wish…

GREG: (Absentmindedly, while looking at his phone.) What do you wish, Alice?

ALICE: I wish you’d pay attention to the people who really care about you, the ones that aren’t a screen away. (She heads back to the stairs, pausing at the bottom.) Before it’s too late. (Alice goes back upstairs and shuts the door to the basement. GREG keeps scrolling through his phone. Lights fade.)

UNBOXED Act I, Scene 1 Read More »

Weekly Update (4/4 – 4/10)

I don’t have too much to say this week. Like many of you, I’ve been struggling with cabin fever. Despite the myriad good reasons for physical distancing, it’s still difficult. I’m not saying I’m planning to break the self-imposed isolation anytime soon, but I am saying I wish I could.

Writing-wise, I spent most of this week planning my #secretquerybook. I’m keeping it a secret because I’m superstitious about this one. If I tell too many people, I’m afraid the spark will die. This is the first book in a long time I’ve thought about even while I’m not writing it. I take that as a good sign.

By summer 2021, I will have an agent.

Putting that energy out in the world.

A couple other updates:

  • I canceled and recreated the UNBOXED Kickstarter page. Previously, the goal was unattainable. After reevaluating my budget and formatting the play myself, I settled on a new goal of $500. If we surpass that, fantastic, but I’ll be happy just to hit that much. We’re almost halfway funded! If you want to help make my spooky play a reality, please consider backing it, even if only for $1.
  • Speaking of UNBOXED, I’m still looking for volunteers to help with the cover reveal. All you have to do is share the cover and provided information to social media. Once you fill out the Google form, I’ll send you everything you need. If you’re interested, please sign up ASAP! I’m closing this form on 4/12. Thanks for your support.
  • Not related to my writing, but I gave myself a quarantine cut! Check out my new hair here.

How are you doing right now?

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Weekly Update (3/30 – 4/5)

How are y’all doing this week?

My mental health has been… not the greatest. I’m sure a lot of you can relate. Still, I managed to do some writing and plotting. I also filmed a video for UNBOXED on Kickstarter. Check it out if you haven’t seen it!

Here’s a breakdown of some other things that happened:

  • I started outlining LIVINGSTON COVEN and a secret project!

I’m thinking about setting up a Kickstarter for LC too, but I feel weird about having two Kickstarters going around the same time. If you haven’t backed UNBOXED yet and are interested in it, please do! Also, I’d love it if you could spread the word about it. We only have a little over a month left to meet our goal. Thank you!

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Weekly Update (3/23 – 3/29)

This past week was a Wild one. Not only did I hit my third week of self-imposed isolation, but I RELEASED A WHOLE-ASS BOOK! Can you believe it? Probably. I mean, it’s been a long time coming.

If you haven’t done so yet, please purchase (and maybe review) Livingston Girls! Purchase links below:

Here are some other things I did this week, just in case you missed them:

  • I changed the Briana Morgan Street Team Facebook group to the Spooky Social Club! That means I’m focusing more on building a community and increasing engagement. For future releases, I will have a separate street team form. If you’re still interested in supporting me that way, don’t worry! It will happen. But in the meantime, if you want some positivity (and a little horror) in your life, please join the group.
  • I watched (and loved) Netflix’s Tiger King. Y’all know I love true crime, and this mini-series didn’t disappoint. It’s a ride from start to finish. If you’re on the fence, trust me; you don’t want to miss this one.
  • I commissioned my friend Z to make some Roselie art, because I’m gay and I love them so much. I cannot WAIT to share the piece with y’all! Z is super talented and if y’all need art, please check them out and support them.
  • I asked J to design a book trailer for Livingston Girls. IT IS SO GOOD! Check it out on YouTube. Also, J is the one who does all my book covers. We love him here.
  • I played a lot of Animal Crossing! If you have the new game too, we should be friends!
  • I also worked on edits for my play Unboxed, which releases on July 25, 2020. It’s up on Kickstarter if you’d like to help fund it! You can also now add it on Goodreads. Thank you so, so much. I asked one of my favorite horror authors to blurb it, and THEY SAID YES, so I feel like I won the lottery already. I’ll be doing a cover reveal soon too!

Thanks so much for sticking with me. I hope you’re all healthy and hanging in there!

What did you accomplish this week?

Weekly Update (3/23 – 3/29) Read More »

Pandemic Truth: You Don’t Have to Be Productive

One of the hardest parts of social distancing is grappling with my drive to stay productive. As a perfectionist who loves self-imposed deadlines, isolation has been rough. I have more free time. I have fewer social obligations. I should be DOING MORE THINGS!

… right?

If you feel this way too, you’re not alone. If you’re beating yourself up about not being productive right now, here’s the thing: we are experiencing an unprecedented interruption of our daily lives. Nothing is normal right now. Nothing. And, if you deal with this disruption by playing video games or eating cookies or whatever—rather than working—that’s okay.

If you’re waiting for permission to chill, this is it.

I hope this helps somebody else as much as it helped me.

Love you all. Keep writing. The world still needs your stories.

Pandemic Truth: You Don’t Have to Be Productive Read More »


Patreon is hard for me to keep up with. I think we all know that.

I also know that what keeps more people from supporting me is that Patreon is subscription-based. As someone who is also averse to subscriptions, I totally understand.

I’ve been thinking that it makes more sense to generate support per project. That’s where Kickstarter comes in.

I thoroughly appreciate your encouragement, support, and generosity. If you’d prefer to keep supporting me via Patreon, by all means, do that. But if you’d rather put your money directly toward specific projects, you can head on over to Kickstarter and donate to UNBOXED.

Thank you so, so much. I love you all. Please let me know if you have any questions, and feel free to spread the word about my Kickstarter!


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