Weekly Update (3/25 – 4/3)


I have finally adjusted to my new medication! Holy shit, y’all. What a ride this has been. It feels like so many of my waking hours have gone into just dealing with SSRI withdrawals and new med side effects, but it’s nice to find myself on the other side.

I can tell the meds are working. Everything is brighter. I no longer dread the thought of getting out of bed. Even my boyfriend says I’m smiling more often. I am enjoying things again! It’s been far too long since I really enjoyed anything. The more I think about how much I’ve missed out on, the more I want to cry. I’m choosing not to dwell on that and focusing on the future.

Here’s some stuff you need to know:

  • I’ve updated the look, feel, and offerings on my services website! It’s been rebranded as Briana Morgan Edits, and now includes editing AND publishing consultation services. Feel free to spread the word about it!
  • I’ve officially hit 5k in #secretqueryproject, AND have chosen an editor for it. I know it’s unusual to book an editor for a project I’m querying but I want it to be as polished and nearly perfect as it can be before I share it with agents.
  • I was nominated for something I can’t talk about BUT!!! I am very excited about it and will share it with you all as soon as I have permission to.

Thanks so much for your support, especially these past couple months. I don’t have to tell you what a weird time we’re living in. Tell me something cool you accomplished this past week!

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